Livin Sol


Livin Sol is a bio-fertiliser containing natural microbial culture that can improve the health of the plant rhizosphere and have a beneficial effect on plant growth. It can contribute towards plant growth promoting metabolites and phytohormones, may solubilise chemically fixed phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) and help reduce nitrate leaching in soil. Some microbes also help fix nitrogen. Besides this, bacterial species in Livin Sol help convert animal and poultry manures, biowaste, crop residues and biodegradable municipal waste in just 12 days into a high quality bio-fertiliser. This can further top-up soil and root health and fermentation of the organic material will provide bioactive compounds for plants to thrive. The root ecosystem is improved by enhancing rhizobacterial activity and population of healthy microbes which helps thrive crops in both organic or integrated-nutrient management systems. Lactic acid production by microbes in Livin Sol may help in reducing soil compaction and the impact of salinity and sodicity.


Benefical/Probiotic Microbes including Bacillus and yeast  species and plant carbohydrate source

Application method

For Orchards (Kiwifruit, Pipfruit and Berries): Use the Biogenerator (mixing station) method. In a 1000 litre tank, add 100 litres Livin Sol + 100 Kg molasses + 800 litre water. Mix well and tighten the lid. You can cover the container to avoid direct sunlight if it’s too hot. Leave for 20 days to ferment in winter and 10 days in summer. Apply this dose with fertigation across 2 hectares / 5 acres. Along the year give 2-3 doses of application and ensure that the orchard has been supplemented with organic matter or compost. You can also spray Livin Sol @ 1: 500 litre dilution in water, three times a year to boost healthy microflora of leaves but avoid during the flowering time period or application with other bactericides/pesticides.

For preparing your own compost fertiliser: Add 5 litres of Livin Sol + 5 Kg molasses + 90 litres of water and spray at the manure or solid biodegradable waste and mix evenly. Apply to the extent where the matter can turn into a ball upon holding in the hand. Then cover the manures with a plastic cover for 14 days. After two weeks the fermented compost should be ready for application in soil.

For application with open-site Fermenter system (see our Technology page) in crops and orchards fed with water canal systems: For each hectare / 2.5 acres, add 2 litre Livin Sol + 2 kg molasses + 16 litre water in a container, mix well and close the lid and allow to ferment for 12 days. Add this to the Fermneter system 3 days before the irrigation schedule. Make sure the Fermenter system has organic matter added to it.

You can also directly apply Livin Sol to soil containing organic matter in standing crops or orchards, via drip or fertigation system, @60 litres / hectare with water, every two months.

Additional Info

Hoodie in sweatshirt fabric made from a cotton blend.

Additional Info
Weight 20 kg


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