On-site Open Fermenter Technology
Regions with high temperature and little rainfall are prone to the degradation of organic matter and therefore usage of an “open-fermenter” system has shown an advantage in the reclamation of salt-affected soils. The “open-fermenter” system allows mixing of the irrigation water with the slurry of fermented organic manures. With each field application of water, beneficial microbes, as well as fermented slurry, are distributed into the field. This has been shown to provide multiple benefits besides the flexibility of the application of organic matter in a canal-based irrigation system, with each water application. The addition of slurry rich in fermented and value-added organic matter has shown to reduce the adverse effects of saline –sodic soil and water properties, recharge the organic matter in the field by microbial-led fermentation of green crop residues, help lower the Carbon: Nitrogen (C: N) ratio and improve the water holding capacity in sandy saline soils.
The Fermenter systems are installed Pakistan-wide, with the first models installed at the Nature Farming Research and Development Foundation, Khurianwala -google map location (G77J+4QP, Khurrian Wala, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan) in 1992 and the second one at the research farm of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Biogenerator is a system / mixing station method, where Livin Sol is allowed to ferment molasses and produce abundant growth promoting factors and natural organic acids using the enzymatic technology built-in the microbes, generating an orange-red colour, which is then dripped into the irrigation /fertigation system. The microbes colonise soil organic matters and plant roots to promote growth whereas the organic acids help solubilise fixed phosphorous, reduce alkalinity, and the impact of sodicity in soils, help solubilise fertilisers and improve root growth. The open tanks either cemented or plastic can be installed next to the tube-well or the source of irrigation.